After finally getting the rings up I decided to put them to good use in a WOD. Today called for a Metcon of 10min of less so I did half "Nate".
AMRAP in 10 min of:
2 Muscle Up's
8 KB Swings (2 pood)
Managing 7 rounds + 2 MU's. Certainly not epic but my progress like everyone else in the gym is certainly coming along.
Props to Dani for the great picture taking!
Good work on Nate. You were motering and I think all of your KB swings were unbroken. I'll drop by tonight for some deadlifts ... sometime around dinner.
I like the HD, but it is not a weightlifting bar. I wanted a bar for weightlifting, and probably should have gotten the Pendlay training bar. The HD, plus a 1.5 pood and 2 pood KB were the same price (from MuscleDriver) as the training bar. I wanted some KBs too, so this seemed like the better choice. There is a thread on this on the CF message board. Of note, CF Hoboken now has a Pendlay training bar for $345. If I would have seen that, I would have bought it.
What are you getting a PhD in?
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